データ統合解析システム XRAINデータの可視化とダウンロード / Data Download and Visualization for XRAIN dataset

XRAIN オリジナルデータダウンロードシステム
(XRAIN Precipitation Original Data search and Download System)


(XRAIN Composite Precipitation Data Visualization and Download System)


(Document/Metadata of XRAIN in Japanese)


Document/Metadata of XRAIN
(XRAINに関するドキュメント・メタデータ 英語版)

You can read the description about XRAIN data

XRAIN 利用に関する規約



申請により、下記の規約に同意したことになります。 XRAINデータセットの利用申請から利用開始まで数週間かかる場合があります。利用可能となった時点であなたにメールが届きます。XRAINデータセットの利用は、特段な事情が無い限り原則3年以内とします。ただし、利用規約に違反している事が確認された場合等は利用期間に係わらず、利用の停止を行うことがあります。

[ データ提供者による利用規約]

1. 本データは、研究及び教育の目的のみに利用し、営利をはじめ、申請書に記載した利用目的以外に利用しないこと。

2. 本データを使用する研究グループの責任者の氏名・所属・連絡先及び利用目的を明らかにすること。特段な事情が無い限り、利用期間は原則 3 年以内とする。ただし、利用規約に違反している事が確認された場合等は利用期間に関わらず、利用の停止を行うことがある。

3. 本データの利用期間終了または利用の停止の措置の後、本データの利用を停止し、本データは速やかに破棄すること。ただし、本データを利用した学会発表・論文発表・誌上発表・報告等の根拠としての保管は、その限りではない。

4. 本データの内容を改変しないこと。

5. 本データを研究グループ以外の第三者に提供しないこと。

6. 本データを利用した学会発表・論文発表・誌上発表・報告等を行った場合は、公表物の写し(論文の場合は別刷り、口頭・ポスター発表の場合は講演要旨のコピー)を下記の連絡・送付先に提出すること。

       〒100-8918 東京都千代田区霞が関 2-1-3 中央合同庁舎3号館
       国土交通省 水管理・国土保全局 河川計画課 河川情報企画室宛
       Email: hqt-dias@gxb.mlit.go.jp

7. 本データを利用した成果物(6.によりデータ提供者に提出した資料)の内容に係るデータ提供者からの問い合わせに協力すること。






データ提供者がデータ利用規約を定めていない場合は,DIASサービス利用規約 およびDIASプライバシーポリシー が適用されます. DIASサービス利用規約とデータ提供者によるデータ利用規約に齟齬がある場合は,データ提供者によるデータ利用規約が優先して適用されます.



●引用例 : “利用したXRAINデータは、国土交通省より提供されたものである”




Data Policies for XRAIN dataset

Usage permission

Data users should apply by filling the necessary information and submit the Application for Permission to Use form. By submitting the form, the user agrees to the following Data Policy.

It may take several weeks from the time you submit until it becomes available. You will receive an email then.

As a general rule, the use of XRAIN datasets is limited to three years, unless there are special circumstances.However, if you are found to be in violation of the data policy, your use of the XRAIN dataset may be suspended regardless of the period of use.

[Data Policy by Data Provider]

1. XRAIN data sets are to be used only for scientific research or educational purposes, and shall not be used for any other purposes, including for profit, than stated in the application form.

2. User shall provide the name, affiliation, contact information of the person responsible for the research group that will use this data, as well as the purpose of of use.
Unless there are special circumstances, the period of use shall be limited to three years in principle.
However, if it is confirmed that the terms of use have been violated, the use of the data may be suspended regardless of the period of use.

3. After the end of the period of use of this data or the suspension, user shall discontinue to use and promptly destroy this data.
However, this shall not apply to the retention of this data as the basis for conference presentations, thesis presentations, journal publications, reports, etc. using this data.

4. Any modification or change of the original XRAIN data sets is prohibited.

5.User shall not provide the original XRAIN data sets to any third party outside of the research group.

6. If user has made a conference presentation, paper presentation, journal presentation, or report using this data, submit a copy of the publication (reprint in the case of a paper, or a copy of the abstract in the case of an oral or poster presentation) to the contact and mailing address below.

* Contact
	River Information Planning Office, River Planning Division,
	Water Management and Land Conservation Bureau,
	Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
	Chuo Joint Government Building No. 3,
	2-1-3 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8918, Japan
	Email: hqt-dias@gxb.mlit.go.jp
User shall also submit to the address specified in the Terms of Service of the Project

7. User shall cooperate with inquiries from the data provider concerning the contents of materials using this data (materials submitted to the data provider in accordance with 6.) about the documents submitted by the rule 5.


1. Data provider is not liable for any losses or any damage when XRAIN data sets are used.

2. XRAIN data sets can have possibilities to terminate providing without any prior notice.

3. XRAIN data sets provided are not supported for any additional processing or analysis.

[Data Policy by the Data Integration and Analysis System]

If data provider does not have data policy, DIAS Terms of Service and DIAS Privacy Policy apply. If there is a conflict between DIAS Terms of Service and data provider's policy, the data provider's policy shall prevail.

[Dataset Acknowledgement]

Whenever XRAIN data sets are used for any academic presentations, and any publication of scientific results, the author(s) shall specify the source of the Products.

Example: “XRAIN data sets used for this study are provided by Ministry Land, Infrastructure, transport and Tourism, Japan”

[Acknowledge the Data Integration and Analysis System]

If you plan to use this dataset for a conference presentation, paper, journal article, or report etc., please include acknowledgments referred to following examples. If the data provider describes examples of acknowledgments, include them as well.

"In this study, [Name of Dataset] provided by [Name of Data Provider] was utilized. This dataset was also collected and provided under the Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS), which was developed and operated by a project supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(MEXT)."

Copyright © 2006-2021 DIAS All Rights Reserved.
Created and Maintained by DIAS Project, EDITORIA, The University of Tokyo: E-mail: dias-xrain@editoria.u-tokyo.ac.jp